

你在圣. 玛丽县,安妮阿伦德尔县,查尔斯县或马里兰州南部的其他地区? Then you know how important it is to have plenty of fuel in your home’s tank throughout the winter. Home heating oil delivery provides you with the fuel you need to get through the winter in comfort.

自1926年以来,long8国际手机版能源一直为马里兰州南部的住宅提供服务, and we provide a range of options to help make sure your home stays comfortable throughout the year, 包括自动加热油输送. We also offer will-call and scheduled oil delivery service if you prefer to take a more hands-on approach.

有了long8国际手机版能源作为您的取暖油供应商,您知道您的送货服务永远不会遥远. We offer same-day or next-day heating oil delivery service throughout the week and do not charge any hidden fees. 我们也提供推荐计划, 如果你让你的朋友知道我们的服务,你就可以省钱.

了解更多关于取暖油和加热燃料输送的信息, 包括更换供应商和尝试long8国际手机版能源的好处.




Fill out the form below to have one of our Client Care representatives contact you to schedule your delivery or set up your new account. 


一旦你提交了这个表单, 我们将在24小时内与您联系,确认我们收到了您的请求. 如果你的账单条款有要求,我们也会在这个时候收款.


或者今天打电话给我们 888-932-9070 给我们的新客户折扣!


If you already have a heating fuel provider, you might wonder if there is any benefit to switching. long8国际手机版能源是一个全面的家庭舒适供应商, 也就是说,我们不仅仅是为您提供取暖油. 我们还提供炉膛维修和更换,并提供 能源咨询 确保你能充分利用你的供暖设备. 当涉及到燃料输送, 我们提供一系列交付选择以及24/7/365紧急服务. 最重要的是, long8国际手机版能源 is dedicated to providing all of our clients with top-quality customer service. When you switch to long8国际手机版能源, you will enjoy client care that is unmatched across Maryland.


没有人想要担心是否到了该补充取暖燃料的时候了. long8国际手机版能源 offers several service options that help to streamline your fuel delivery and that remove the hassle of monitoring your fuel. With our automatic delivery service, we take on the responsibility of monitoring your fuel tank. 你将不必担心在冬天耗尽燃料, 因为当它开始用完的时候,我们会重新补充它.

If you prefer to keep an eye on things yourself, we also offer will-call delivery service. 当你需要更多的燃料时,给我们打电话,我们会送货的. A third option is to sign up for scheduled delivery so that you can receive fuel on a schedule that fits your life.


Even with the best of planning, there might be times when you find yourself running low on fuel. You might discover that your tank is out of fuel days or weeks before your next scheduled delivery. 如果发生这种情况,没有必要恐慌或担心. long8国际手机版能源公司提供当天或次日取暖油送货服务**. The size of our delivery fleet makes it easy for us to reach customers for fuel delivery ASAP.


One way for homeowners to manage the ups and downs of the cost of fuel is to set up 预算支付计划. 而不是先付全额, 预算支付计划, 比如long8国际手机版能源公司的SmartPay项目, 按月分期付款. 支付程序是免费的. 我们也提供推荐计划, which provides a cash bonus to you and to every friend you refer who signs up for fuel delivery.

为什么选择long8国际手机版 Energy作为供热燃料输送?

There are many reasons to choose long8国际手机版能源 as your total home comfort provider 在马里兰州南部, 乔治王子郡和安妮阿伦德尔郡. If you are considering changing heating oil providers or moving to a home with heating oil for the first time, 以下是选择long8国际手机版能源的几个原因:


long8国际手机版能源不仅仅提供燃料. 作为一个全面的家庭舒适提供者, 我们可以更换或修理加热设备, 为你安装一台新的空调,帮助改善你家里的空气质量.


long8国际手机版能源不仅仅提供燃料. 作为一个全面的家庭舒适提供者, 我们可以更换或修理加热设备, 为你安装一台新的空调,帮助改善你家里的空气质量.


With long8国际手机版能源, the price you are quoted is the price you will pay for heating oil delivery. 我们不附加意外费用,也不收取危险品或监管费用.


而不是必须支付全价的燃料交付提前, long8国际手机版能源让你把你的燃料成本分成每月支付. Our free monthly payment plans help you work the cost of fuel into your household’s overall budget. 我们与您合作,让您的家更舒适.


There is no need to hunt around for a stamp or make a trip to the post office when you work with long8国际手机版能源. 我们提供一个免费的在线门户网站,您可以在那里支付账单, 提出服务请求, 回顾过去的账单或安排下一次的燃料交付.


Even with the convenience of online services, sometimes it is nice to speak to a real, live person. long8国际手机版能源拥有一支训练有素的团队, live client care representatives who are always available to take your call and to work with you to solve any issues. 无论您是想安排您的下一次交货或对您的设备有疑问, 我们很高兴与你交谈.

Frequently Asked Questions About Heating Oil Delivery

你对你家取暖用的油有什么问题吗? Perhaps you want to make sure you have chosen the best heating option for your Southern Maryland home. Here are some of the most frequently asked questions about home heating oil and oil delivery, 以及一些有用的答案.

取暖油是从石油中提取的馏分油. 它是通过提炼原油生产的. 根据美国国税局的要求,取暖油被染成红色. 红色表示这一点 燃料是免税的 这通常适用于为机动车辆提供动力的燃料. 红色也意味着使用取暖油为汽车或其他车辆提供动力是非法的. 周围 5.美国有700万户家庭.S. 使用取暖油进行空间加热. Heating oil is also occasionally used to heat water and can be used in commercial buildings as well.

取暖油有好几种等级. 你用来给家里供暖的取暖油很可能不是. 燃料油. 今天的燃料油比过去精炼得多. 因此,2019年7月,硫含量从500PPM降至15PPM.

取暖油和煤油都是石油馏分物,但它们不是一回事. 取暖油往往是没有的. 2 .燃料油,而煤油是 一个不的例子. 1燃料油. 它可以用于加热,但通常用于便携式空间加热器, 而不是集中供暖系统. 煤油的闪点比煤油低. 2 .加热油- 100华氏度,相比140华氏度. 你也可以用煤油作为油灯或灯笼的燃料.

房屋取暖油的价格取决于几个因素, 包括原油成本, 取暖油季节性需求, 一个家庭的位置和一个地区取暖油供应商的数量. Often, the price of heating oil increases as demand increases, usually during the winter months. 天气, 政治局势和其他事件会影响原油价格, 导致它在某些年份飙升,在不同年份下降.

One way to manage the ups and downs of the cost of heating oil for your home is to sign up for 预算支付计划, 哪一种方式能将你家的石油成本降到最低, 按月支付.

取暖油确实容易 比天然气贵但这并不意味着天然气总是最好的选择. There are several other things to consider when choosing the type of fuel you use to heat your home. 在某些情况下, 天然气可能不是你家的选择, 因为附近可能没有天然气管道. It is also worth considering the cost of a gas furnace versus the cost of an oil furnace. 通常,燃油炉的成本低于燃气炉.

Like a furnace, a home heating oil tank should have a relatively long life, usually around 15 years. 油罐的使用寿命在很大程度上取决于它的设计和构造. 双壁储罐通常比其他类型的储罐寿命更长, as the separation between the walls keeps water from settling at the base of the container, 降低腐蚀风险.

当你安排家庭取暖油的运送, you can also request that the delivery driver take a look at your oil tank to see if it is near the end of its usable life and in need of a replacement.

你家油箱里的取暖油有保质期吗? 如果你在冬天结束前没有用完你油箱里的所有燃料, 你需要把水箱放干,下个季节再开始吗? 这完全取决于你家水箱的状况.

前提是油箱状态良好, 没有生锈,底部没有一层厚厚的污泥, 你储存在里面的取暖油应该可以用好几个季节.

如果你不确定油箱里的油是否变质了, 你可以叫一个专业人士来检查水箱,让你知道下一步该怎么做.

通常, it is a good idea to start thinking about replacing your oil tank when it is around 15 years old. 如果您发现油箱有任何问题,您可能需要在此之前更换油箱. 例如, if you see signs of rust on the outside of the tank or notice wet areas on the ground or floor beneath the tank, 这可能是一个信号,表明是时候换一个人了. An energy consultant from long8国际手机版能源 can take a look at your current oil tank and give you an idea of whether or not it is time for a new one.

充分利用我们的Referral Program

long8国际手机版能源是一家当地公司,自1926年以来一直服务于马里兰州南部. We understand the importance of friends and family and trust the opinions and recommendations of our loved ones. 这就是为什么我们提供 推荐计划.

如果你喜欢long8国际手机版能源的服务,请告诉你的朋友. If a friend or family member signs up for our fuel delivery service based on your recommendation, 我们最多给你100美元. 如果你推荐一个朋友购买设备,你也可以得到100美元.

用long8国际手机版 Energy安排一次燃料Delivery

使用自动, 将呼叫或预定从long8国际手机版能源公司交付取暖油, 你再也不用担心在寒冷的冬夜耗尽燃料了. We make it easy to fit the cost of heating oil into your budget and are happy to work with you to provide total home comfort. We also offer tank installation and replacement if you are getting heating oil for the first time or need to replace an aging fuel tank.

long8国际手机版能源公司为马里兰州南部的家庭提供服务. 我们提供住宅取暖油的县包括:

  • 查尔斯郡
  • 卡尔弗特县
  • 安妮阿伦德尔县
  • 乔治王子郡
  • St. 玛丽的县


**所有150加仑或以上的货物不收取运费, 当日送达需支付额外费用. **Same day and next day delivery service is subject to change based on weather conditions. 不安全的路况对long8国际手机版司机和环境造成不必要的风险.